Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday Homework

Thank you so much for a wonderful week with Mrs. Mali's class!  You were simply lovely!  I am glad you enjoyed reading The BFG!  I know you will like the rest of the book.  I was so impressed with how hard you worked and how well you did with all your assignments.  I will miss you, but I know I will see you again soon!  Have a marvelous weekend!

Please note that there is a 3/4 coffee with the principal on October 24th at 10a.m.


*Please bring a water bottle and a silent reading book

1) Math: 3rd: JP 46. Home Link 2.7

2)  Math 4th: Study Link 2.9 (front side only), JP 49 and 51, extra worksheets

3) Reading: 20 minutes for third grade / 30 minutes for fourth grade

4) LUCKY book orders due Wednesday 10/19