I was SO GLAD to be back with the kids today! Although I really missed BCS on Thursday and Friday, my time in Grand Rapids was extremely valuable! I am starting something new this week regarding the planner. Each day I will post a picture of the planner that we fill out in class, directly to the blog. This way, you and the kids will see EXACTLY what is written in planner. I hope you will find this helpful; it will be directly below the usual post I will continue to write daily.
We began with book clubs today, which was wonderful as always. Then, after math, we began a new writing project. We will be creating a descriptive writing piece and turning it into a digital story. The kids seem really excited and I know I am; I cannot wait to see what the students write about. Then, we spent time discussing the Lorax activity that was due last week. We had a great conversation about producers, consumers and the dependent relationships in Truffula Valley.
During math we began Unit 7, multiplication and division. We began with discussing key vocabulary terms and then we explored patterns in multiplication. The HW is to finish JP 157 if not done in class and then JP 158 and HL 7.1. Also, the kids already read HL 6.13 in class but I would really appreciate if all parents would read and then sign HL 6.13.
After lunch, we had DEAR and then a very productive class meeting. I commended the kids on making our guest teacher really enjoy her time here; it was her first time at BCS and she is looking forward to coming back to our school. Lastly, we worked on the Lorax Sustainability Project. Finally, after planners and clean-up the kids had Engage.
Please see the planner picture below for the homework!
Have a great evening!