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We had a great day indoors! This morning we began working on All About Me posters. We'll have those finished by next week. Our two co-curriculars were PE (swimming) and Spanish. We finished working on our wordles this afternoon and then helped get the room ready for tonight's Back to School Night.
Third grade math: We work on number sequences this morning. The kids did a great job and learned new strategies to solve number sequences. The homework tonight is Journal Page 2 (JP 2). We do not have homelink books yet so there may be some journal pages coming home to supplement until the homelinks arrive. Also, the SRBs that were distributed yesterday should be at home now. If not, please remind your child to bring it home.
1) READING will now be assigned EVERY night. Third graders: 20 minutes. Fourth graders: 30 minutes.
2) Bring in an action photo of yourself (4x6 vertical is best) that you will write about by tomorrow 9/9.
*If you did not have a hero for your poster yet, please find a hero by tomorrow 9/9.
3) Math: 3rd grade: Journal Page 2 due tomorrow 9/9.
4th grade:
4) Read online handbook and sign first page of planner (same as Tues/Wed. hyperlink is below) due tomorrow 9/9.
5) Decorated Writer's Notebook due tomorrow 9/9.
Have a fantastic evening and I hope to see you all tonight at Back to School Night!