Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!

Attention girls: our motivational mirror project is well underway. Your colored phrases are due tomorrow! Here are the important reminders:
*Only color inside the zig zag circle, they will be cut out so we won’t need the whole page.
*Make sure that you are coloring on a piece of scrap paper because the sharpies will bleed through. 
*Be mindful when you color and remember that if your hand gets ink on it, it will spreads all over your work.
*Try to keep your artwork legible and neat so that you can read the message from far away. Please do not mix different colors in each letter because it will be too confusing on TV.
Below are the samples:

Sea Life and Disney Nature permission slip due 3/20:


Food allergy is a growing public health issue that impacts almost every school across the United States. Nearly 6 million children in the U.S. – which equates to 1 in 13, or roughly 2 in every classroom – have a food allergy.  Studies indicate that 16-18% of school-age children who have food allergies have had a reaction in school. In addition, in approximately 25% of the reactions that occur at school, the student had not yet been diagnosed with food allergy.  Help your child BE A PAL (protect a life) TO A FRIEND WITH A FOOD ALLERGY! Click here for details or at the following link:  http://www.foodallergy.org/document.doc?id=118.

Here is today's planner: