Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday's Planner

WRITING HOMEWORK: As we talked about in class, everyone's first draft of their Small Moment Story is due on Monday. We've had loads of time to work on these already, along with two trips to the computer lab to start typing. If you did not finish typing, please take your Writing Notebook home and finish typing there over the weekend. Print out a copy of your story and bring it to school on Monday for Ms. Leach. If you already started your story and saved to the H: drive here at school, you can access the file from home by using "Remote Access". Directions for this are below:

-Follow this link: or go to the BPS website and click "Remote Access" in the drop-down menu under "Parents/Students".
-Select "Student"
-Login using your username and password (on the sticker in your planner if you forgot)
-Select "H: Drive"
-Open the Word Document

***Our class will be swimming every Tuesday and Friday from 12:15 to 1:00 through November 2nd. Please send in with your child his or her swimsuit, a towel, goggles and any necessary toiletries (brush, comb, etc.). Some families also send in flip flops or sandals to wear in the showers (optional). We suggest placing all of these items in a separate, small bag (such as a drawstring backpack).