Friday, January 11, 2013

Fabulous Friday!

We had a great day and week! Overall it has been a wonderful start to 2013. This morning we began the day with News and Views and then it was time for Engage.

After Engage, we had snack and then math. During third grade math we checked HL 5.7, worked on a practice page called Modeling Decimals and then went to the computer lab. New fact quizzes were assigned today so I provided the kids with some time here at school to complete them.

After math, students were given choice to read or write. The realistic fiction stories that the kids are writing are coming along nicely. We did not read from Stone Fox yesterday or today, but we will continue on Monday and likely finish the book next week. I have asked the kids to read and take a quiz on AT LEAST one book on Raz Kids this weekend. I welcome and encourage students to do more than that.

After lunch and swimming, we did planners and then TFK. Next went to the Media Center. We wrapped up the time in our classroom with our weekly meeting where we discussed the character word: Discipline.

Finally, we went to the creative station to take this week's spelling test.

Thank you again to everyone who helped us win the Choice Hour Form race! I knew the kids could do it and I am really proud of them!

Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.