Monday, January 7, 2013


Today was a great day! We began with math as usual. After math, we read from Stone Fox. Your child can show you our wiki page with today´s discussion points. Next, we worked on writing. Also on our wiki, you can find today´s writing lesson about how to start a realistic fiction story. Before lunch, we had a short trip to the Media Center to pick out new books from the book room.

After lunch we continued with writing for a short time. Next, we began our new science unit on insects. If you visit our science wiki, your child can show you what we did today! A letter was sent home about this unit with your child today.

Please remember that we will have a spelling test on Friday. Each student was given a paper on 12-18-12 with their list. That sheet should be signed by a parent and returned on Friday. Students are expected to practice the required activities, complete the sentence writing, and play additional games with their assigned list only. Please email me ASAP if you would like any type of clarification regarding spelling.

A new editing practice went home today. Please have your child complete a few problems each day. It is due one week from today.

Please keep the Choice Hour selection sheets coming! We are trying to be the first class to get ours turned in.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful evening!