Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday Homework

We finished MEAP testing for this week, but will begin again next week.  For now, we can all take a nice, deep breath!  Your students did a fabulous job both inside the testing environment and out.  We went to PE and Spanish today in between the fourth grade MEAP sessions, so be sure to check your Spanish teacher's blog for any new information.

Choice Hour selection sheets for second quarter are due tomorrow.  We are only a few submissions out of first place and the chance to win a movie party!  Please be sure to send those in first thing!


*Please bring a water bottle and a silent reading book

1) Math: 3rd: JP 44. Home Link 2.6

               4th: Study Link 2.9 (front side only) and finish JP 49

2) Reading: 20 minutes for third grade / 30 minutes for fourth grade

3) LUCKY book orders due Wednesday 10/19

4) Complete and return your Choice Hour selection sheets for second quarter! We could win a movie party for being the first class with all sheets turned in!