Thursday, October 20, 2011

Today was a TERRIFIC Thursday!

First I want to share an interesting article about the earthquakes on the Big Island in Hawaii yesterday!  Although experiencing those would have been a great conversation piece for our new natural disasters research project, I am glad I can just read about them.  Just click HERE to read.

Another important piece of information, is that today and tomorrow I will be testing my students using a district reading assessment. I am excited to have this time to meet individually with your child and learn more about their literacy development. I will be in the building, but out of the classroom during this time. I will have the same guest teacher while I am out. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.

Please note that the 3/4 coffee with the principals is now at 9:30 on Monday 10/24.  Thank you in advance for stopping by!

Wow, this was even shorter than yesterday's post.  Have a great evening and thank you for reading!

*Please bring in a water bottle and a silent reading book!
1) Picture re-takes are on Wednesday 10/26.
2) Reading: 20 minutes for 3rd / 30 minutes for 4th
3) Math: EVERYONE: Use IXL and practice basic facts!
              3rd: None!  You'll finish 2.9 in class tomorrow.
              4th: Please read the Unit 3 Family Letter and get it signed.
4) THANKS projects are due NO LATER THAN Monday.

5) Feel free to order books online.
6) Each science group needs 10-15 small rocks for science next Wednesday.