In third grade math, we investigated patterns and relationships involving area and perimeter. There is no written homework, but the Friday Fact Tests MUST be completed by Tuesday. It would also be a GREAT weekend to spend loads of time on IXL!!
After Engineering Technology and lunch we, as I mentioned, had my birthday treat and then went to the Media Center for book checkout. Then, we came back and spent time taking our Land and Water Unit Test on Moodle. Our last block of time was reserved for Time for Kids; the stories this week were great!
Thanks for reading and have a WONDERFUL evening!!
*Please consider the Reflections Contest! The full details were in my daily posts earlier this week. You can check back to a previous post for all the specifics.
*Please bring in a water bottle and a silent reading book!
1) Reading: 20 minutes for 3rd / 30 minutes for 4th
2) Math: EVERYONE: Use IXL and practice basic facts!
*Please bring in a water bottle and a silent reading book!
1) Reading: 20 minutes for 3rd / 30 minutes for 4th
2) Math: EVERYONE: Use IXL and practice basic facts!
3rd: New Fact tests due by Tuesday
4th: Finish the review and study for Tuesday's test.
3) GOAL SETTING is due on Monday 11/14.
4) PARAGRAPH PRACTICE is due on Friday 11/18.
5) Book Fair: We will visit the Book Fair at 8:30 on Tuesday morning! Students CAN make purchases so please feel free to send in spending money if you wish!