Friday, September 28, 2012

Buddy Update

Hi Everyone!

Kids, we've already chatted about this in class, but maybe you'd like to share this exciting information with your parents.  Myself and Mrs. Mali have decided to switch things up a bit and give everyone a new third or fourth grade buddy!  How fun!  This way, everyone will get to meet someone new in the class and maybe even make some new friends.  Along with changing buddies we will be changing the seats around as well.  When you come in on Monday you will see where you and your buddy will now be sitting.  For now (since I know the suspense is unbearble!) here is our new buddy list:

David, Benjamin, Owen
Max, Oliver, Jude
Xavier, Brady, Bennett
Richard, James
Conor, Jacob
Laurent, Jonathan
Jordyn, Mira
Shin Be, Alexis
Sydney, Coco
Elle, Bridget
Lisa, Delana
Amelia, Colette

Remember, we are striving for everyone to have Positive Attitudes and to always be a Bucket Filler, so let's all be optimistic about our new buddies.

Have a WONDERFUL weekend and I'll see you all on Monday morning :)
Love, Ms. Leach