Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday's Third Grade Math

Lesson 1.7 today was all about Chance Events and the language we use to describe them.  We talked about things that we are sure will happen, and things that we are unsure if they'll happen or not.  We also learned about how things can be "likely" or "unlikely".  We made a big chart of examples for all of these new terms. Then we got to  come up with our own ideas for these events on Journal Page 11 during the workshop rotations.
***Clarification-Homework assigned yesterday and today is DUE THURSDAY because of the holiday.  I will not be checking in anything until Thursday so as not to penalize any students observing the holiday.  Everyone had time during math workshop to complete the journal pages and maybe even start on the Home Links, so it is possible that your child has already completed the bulk of these assignments here.  Please let me know if you have any questions by emailing me at  al10bps@birmingham.k12.mi.us  Sorry for any confusion!
YESTERDAY'S HOMEWORK:  HL1.6, JP 9, JP 10 (if not finished)  due Thurs.
TODAY'S HOMEWORK: HL1.7, JP 11, JP 12  (if not finished)  due Thurs.