Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday!

Today we had a very full day!  We started, as usual, with Math (third graders can see the post below for more info).  Then it was time for snack.  In Reading Workshop we read silently for 20 minutes and then got together on the carpet to discuss how to decide if a book is "just right" for us or not.  A few brave volunteers offered to read aloud for the class.  Some read "just right" books to show us what that reading should sound like.  One very courageous volunteer read a passage from a book that was high above her reading level so we could hear the difference.  Together we made a big chart of signs to watch for when choosing a book.  That way, each of us can be responsible for picking "just right" books in the future.  In Writing Workshop we continued work on the stories we started on Tuesday.  Next it was time for lunch and then Engage.  Afterwards, we started Social Studies with Chapter 1.  This first chapter of our book is all about the social sciences.  We read the first two sections and had a very rich conversation which we will continue tomorrow and in to next week.  Finally, it was time to do planners and clean the room.  We had to do all of this early today because we also had to get the room set up for BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT!  Mrs. Harvath and Ms. Leach hope to see all the parents here tonight from 6:00-7:30pm.  It will be very informative!