Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday!

We had a pretty productive day today.  Like usual, we began with math (3rd graders can see below for more info).  We had snack and then began a Writing Assessment right away.  All of the third graders stayed with Ms. Leach while all of the fourth graders stayed in Mrs. Harvath's room.  Third graders did some brainstorming with Ms. Leach and talked about how to create a pre-writing bubble chart on the board.  The topic we all wrote about was "A time I visited an interesting place."  Some of us wrote about far-away places like Miami and Canada, while some of us chose to write about somewhere close to home like Grandma's house or our backyard!  We all had a big chunk of time to finish our writing and turn it in.  These pieces will go in our writing portfolios with some of the other pieces we've written since Kindergarten!  Next, we had lunch/recess, Spanish, and Art.  Afterwards, Ms. Leach's class and Mrs. Harvath's class all got together to put the finishing touches on our Class Contract.  Finally, it was time to do planners and clean the room.  We had about ten minutes left at the end of the day to begin discussing our Character Connections class that will begin next Monday.  Character Connections will take place every afternoon from 2:50-3:15.  Each 3rd/4th grader will be assigned to a classroom with other 3rd/4th graders AND 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders too!  It will be a fun but important time each day where we'll all work on building our character.  We'll continue to discuss this new class tomorrow afternoon and Friday afternoon.