Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday's Third Grade Math:

Today's lesson (1.5) was all about Displaying Data.  Together, we made a tally chart to show the number of letters each student had in their first name. We analyzed this data to find the minimum, maximum, range, mode, and median.  Next, we transferred the data we had collected on to a bar chart.  We learned how to label the chart with a title as well.  Afterwards, we either worked independently or got together with a partner to work on our first "Math Boxes" of the year (JP#8).  Some kids even had time to complete their Home Link 1.5 while in class! 
*Home Link 1.5
*Journal Page #8 if not finished
*Play this game to practice equivalent names for numbers. Use the 1-6 and 1-10 levels. Then, challenge yourself to try any of the other levels!