Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday's Third Grade Math

Today's Lesson 1.8 was about Finding Differences.  We learned how to use the number grid as a tool to find the difference between two numbers.  Some students shared different strategies they used to find differences while utilizing the number grid and skip counting.  We also had our very best Math Workshop so far.  Everyone did a wonderful job today staying on task and transitioning from station to station with ease!  Pat yourselves on the back!
Home Link 1.8 (and 1.6 and 1.7 from Monday and Tuesday)
Finish Journal Pages 13 & 14  (and 9, 10, 11, 12 from Monday and Tuesday)
Reminder:  The homework shown above from Monday and Tuesday will also be checked in tomorrow. Everything from the last three days is due tomorrow because of the holiday earlier this week.  We had time to work on all of these things in class, so as long as you've used your time wisely you should be ready to go for tomorrow :)