Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thrilling Thursday

Today was a thrilling Thursday!  The day began as usual with Math.  Third graders can see the earlier post from today for more details on what we did in Third Grade Math.  After snack we had Reading Workshop.  Here we got to find out our Just Right Reading Levels and choose a Just Right book from our classroom library.  We even got to read for 25 minutes and record it in our new reading logs!  Everyone now has a Reading Bin in the class where they can keep their folder, notebook, and silent reading book.  Writing workshop was next and we got to put together our writing folders and get started on a narrative writing piece about our summer vacation.  This was just a warm-up to get us back in to the swing of things when it comes to writing.  Next came lunch, recess, and then our Co-Curricular called Engage with Mrs. Truesdell.  Afterwards, we got to play two new icebreaker games that helped us learn eachother's names.  Then we got to go outside for recess.  Finally it was time to work on our "All About Me" robot posters and clean the room to go to choice hour or home.  Overall it was a pretty fun day!