Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Top Notch Tuesday!

We had a very nice Tuesday today.  We started the day with math (3rd graders see post below for more math info) and then had snack after.  In Reading Workshop we made some "Reading Resolutions" to use as goals for the rest of our school year.  The kids wrote individual goals and we also compiled a short list of resolutions for the whole class to share.  Ms. Leach will be posting this list in the classroom so we can refer to it later.  In Writing Workshop we talked about one strategy we can use when we're stumped on what to write.  We did some brainstorming using this new strategy and even had a chance to get started on a new Personal Narrative piece.  Next, it was time for linch, PE, and Spanish.  Afterwards, we spent some time writing letters to the soldiers overseas.  We talked about how appreciative the soldiers are when they get letters from home, and how we can brighten their day with just a short letter!  Everyone did an amazing job on these letters and really but thoughtful effort in to them.  Finally, it was time to fill out planners and clean the room. Since we had done such an awesome job during Reading/Writing Workshop, and had really put our hearts in to our letters, we had a quick game of Sharks and Minnows at the end of the day :)