Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Whoohoo Wednesday :)

Today was a very nice day.  The third graders had a great Math Workshop today.  During Reading Workshop we got to start our first Read-Aloud of the year while focusing on how to read with feeling.  During silent reading time, each student worked on hearing a "read-aloud voice" in their head and picturing the story.  In Writing Workshop we tackled Topic Sentences and came to find out that they're actually pretty simple.  Lots of students got to share theirs so we could hear good examples and help others make their topic sentences even stronger.  Afterwards, I overheard the fourth graders having some real fun with skits in Spanish class, and we also got to go to Art.  This afternoon we began sharing our Social Studies artifacts.  It is a bit like a guessing game because once someone shares an artifact we have to guess which Social Scientist would be most interested in it and why.  We only had time for a few people to share before the fire drill, but we will continue this activity tomorrow and Friday.  At the very end of the day we had our first Character Connection class!  I heard some of us had a pretty good time meeting our new classmates!

Have a nice afternoon!
Love, Ms. Leach