Friday, September 7, 2012

Fabulous Friday!

We all can pat ourselves on the back for having successfully made it through the first week of school! Hooray! Today we had Engage first thing, followed up by math. Afterwards we finished our All About Me robot posters and got a chance to do some silent reading. Then it was already time for lunch, recess, and P.E.!  Afterwards, we read a very interesting Time For Kids magazine with lots of information about the recent Summer Olympics.  Next, we started our weekly Class Meeting by reading a book called "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?"  It was all about how we can fill our friends' buckets by being kind and not hurting each other's feelings.  We ended our Class Meeting by opening up the floor for any questions our friends needed answered, or any advice they could use.  Finally, we chatted for a bit about how to decorate our Writer's Notebooks (there is a paper explaining this stuffed in the notebook itself).  We also discussed how EVERYONE must read the Student Handbook with their parents, and get the first page of the planner signed over the weekend.  Ms. Leach will collect these on Monday morning!  By the end of the day, Ms. Leach wanted to reward us for surviving the first week back to school, so we got to go outside and play "sharks and minnows" for the last ten minutes of the day!! Then it was either off to Choice Hour or home.  Have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND everyone :)